Tertiary Filtration

Pile Cloth Media Filtration

ELIQUO HYDROK have the UK distribution for the Mecana Pile Cloth Filter Media within their portfolio of Wastewater Treatment Processes.

Swiss Company Mecana has over 45 years’ experience in the development of tertiary filtration systems using the patented Optifiber® material, with hundreds of reference sites across Europe and in the United States.

The Mecana range of Pile Cloth Media Filters are available to treat flows ranging from 3 l/sec to 250 l/sec in steel tank units. The filters are normally installed in multiple concrete tanks, the largest flow being 9,250 l/sec to-date. Retrofit into existing tanks is possible.

All units are produced to Swiss quality standards in Mecana’s factory in Switzerland, with the stainless steel tanks and control systems manufactured in the UK by ELIQUO HYDROK. The Mecana Pile Cloth Media Filter offers a superior operational performance to that of any micro-screen or micro-strainer in the market today as it is a true filter with depth filtration being the dominant particle removal mechanism.

Mecana Pile Cloth Media filtration


  • Tertiary Filtration for TSS reduction downstream of humus or secondary settlement tanks (<5mg/l TSS achievable)
  • Tertiary phosphorus removal in combination with precipitation/flocculation - bespoke design for Ptot consent from 1mg/l to less than 0.1mg/l
  • Micro-pollutant ‘Priority Substance’ removal
  • As an alternative to fixed film biological treatment humus tanks for removal of TSS
  • Pre-filtration for fixed bed nitrification stages
  • Storm Overflow filtration
Phosphorous, priority substance and TSS removal systems

Range includes

Drum Filters
For small to medium flows and loadings (prefabricated in tanks)

Disc Filters
For medium to high flows (prefabricated in tanks, or can be installed in concrete tanks)

Diamond Filters
For very large flows or retro fitting into travelling bridges in concrete tanks

Filter Media

Grade of Optifiber® cloth varies to meet the treatment process requirement.

White Optifiber® (Standard) has 25microns diameter fibres.
Blue Optifiber® (Microfibre) has 7microns diameter fibres.

Both are suitable for a variety of applications including TSS, BOD and P removal but with standard cloth (white) generally being suitable for consents down to 10mg/l TSS and / or 0.5mg/l Ptot.

Microfiber (Blue) being suitable for <5mg/l TSS and <0.1mg/l Ptot.

In summary

  • Highly efficient solids separation
  • High throughput & able to withstand shock loads
  • Continual operation during backwashing
  • Gravity flow typical - only 300mm head required
  • No backwash system required external to the filter
  • Small Footprint
  • Easy Cloth replacement
  • Low Power Costs and Low Maintenance costs

Tertiary Filtration

Efficient tertiary treatment for removal of TSS, phosphorous and micro pollutants

