Pile Cloth Media Drinking Water & Surface Water Pre-Filtration
ELIQUO HYDROK have the UK distribution for the Mecana Pile Cloth Filter Media within their portfolio of Clean Water Treatment Processes, Drinking Water and Surface Water pre-filtration treatment utilising the Mecana Optifiber PES-14-DW® pile cloth media.
Pile cloth media filtration can be used as a resilient pre-filtration solution to address the problems associated with algal blooms occurring in water extracted from surface water sources. MECANA pile cloth media filtration (PCMF) systems can be used as an economical and an efficient pre-filtration stage in the treatment of surface water to produce drinking water or process water.
The system utilises the disk configuration and the exclusive OptiFiber PES-14-DW® pile cloth filtration media, to effectively filter algae, surface water particles and suspended solids without the use of chemicals.

One challenge in drinking water production with surface water from reservoirs or rivers is the removal of low density suspended solids and algae. In the context of climate change, droughts may impact reservoir water quality and result in more prolonged and severe algal challenges. An affordable chemical-free alternative to traditional processes such as sand filtration and DAF can be provided by
pre-filtration with pile cloth media. PCMF can remove a wide range of algae typically responsible for seasonal algal blooms, from diatoms and other unicellular algae in spring to filamentous types such as Melosira more common in the summer.
The pre-treatment of raw water is an important step in the multi-stage water treatment process, since it impacts crucially on the operating efficiency of the main treatment and after-treatment processes further downstream

In Summary
Using PCMF solution in the pre-treatment of surface water treatment ensures:
- Improved service life of downstream processes
- Lower maintenance costs as a result of longer service intervals
- Lower energy consumption
- Lower water losses
- Increased process reliability
- Reduced operating costs
Surface Water Pre-Filtration