ELIQUO HYDROK take pride in their management of delivering all products leaving the factory to site in an efficient and cost effective way to minimise installation time requirements. Whether it is component elements for aeration tanks e.g. diffusers and IFAS cages or complete pre-fitted tank assemblies such as HY-SAFs or Tertiary Filtration tanks. The ELIQUO HYDROK teams will strive to make the process least disruptive to the whole project schedule and professionally executed as is possible.
We run a fleet of extended chassis vehicles built specifically for the transportation of fabricated pipe. Pipe is racked in specially manufactured stainless steel stillages that reduce offloading time, and protect the pipe from impact damage and cross contamination from other types of restraint. Very large volumes are delivered using specialist carriers, but still utilising the unique stillage system to ensure that all pipe and components arrive on site in the same condition that they left our factory.
Details such as loading our stillages so that pipes are delivered in the correct sequence for installation, pre-packaged flange fixing kits, and purpose made transportation seals on all openings all contribute to reduce installation time.

All of our schemes are installed by our own installation engineers. A core team of engineers will be assigned to the site, supported strategically by additional specialist teams when additional resource is required.
The teams are fully supported by our factory based staff and experienced transport co-ordinators.
All of our staff are appropriately trained to ensure a safe and efficient installation.
All areas of risk are considered and eliminated where possible. This is illustrated well in our use of drilling rigs that eliminate the risk of white finger, whilst dramatically reducing the time taken to carry out the task.

All air main pipe assemblies are pressure tested during the installation phase, mobile compressors are used in conjunction with blanking plates and isolators to pressurise specific areas and check that pressure drops are within predetermined limits. A test rig using calibrated gauges ensures consistent and accurate results.
As soon as the blowers are ready and air is made available a dry leak test will be carried out on each drop leg and diffuser joint using a soap based solution. Once this has been completed sufficient clean water or good quality final effluent will be required to a depth of 100mm above the diffuser membranes. A wet inspection can then be carried out.
Once basic leak testing is complete, a diffuser pattern test will be performed to ensure that the diffusers have uniform air distribution and there are no dead zones within the aeration lanes.
Oxygen Transfer Efficiency (OTE) tests can then be undertaken if required.

ELIQUO HYDROK are aware that the commissioning phase of any scheme can become an extended affair. Our input at this stage tends to revolve around mainly mechanical requirements that are quickly addressed. We are aware that the commissioning phase of any scheme can become an extended affair therefore our input at this stage tends to revolve around mainly mechanical requirements that are quickly addressed.
Our presence however may at times be required to support other elements during this phase, this has been addressed by providing commissioning engineers who can respond promptly when attendance is necessary. This policy ensures that time spent on site is cost effective.