Rivers and large waterways flow control
Climate change is having an increasing influence on the weather, which is reflected by heavier and more persistent rainfall, combine this with impermeability of the ground is causing more frequent and greater flood events. It is therefore necessary to protect populated areas by natural or engineered flood protection measures. These systems store excess flow during storm events and regulate the water flow. The flow rate needs to be carefully controlled to avoid hydraulic overload of the downstream system. It is important that the flow from these systems remains constant irrespective of the water head. This is achieved by installing flow regulators such as the non-powered ALPHEUS-AH or the electric powered ActuSlide. In addition to this flood protection measures like non-return gates and penstock systems on outlet structures are proven solutions of flood protection on rivers.
The ALPHEUS-AH range of flow regulators are frequently used in the control of flows from rivers, streams and attenuation dam structures. It will control flows to the desired pass forward flow rate (PFF) throughout the head range. This optimises downstream capacity and minimises upstream attenuation volumes.The control can also help simplify dam wall structures reducing cost of construction. The proven ALPHEUS series has been adapted for the specific requirements of flow and water level to ensure a reliable and constant drain of the detention basin without electrical power. If an electrical powered solution is required, then the ActuSlide system which uses ultrasonic level sensors to detect changing water levels is available.
In summary
- Maximises permissible downstream flows
- Adjustable to ±30% from design flow
- Minimises upstream storage through constant discharge
- Simplifying design and construction of dam structures
- Manufactured to meet any design flow requirements
- Non-powered mechanical control